
MillennialMonitor.com is published by California born Kyle Andrew Brown.

Madison Wisconsin is Kyle Brown’s hometown. He started out at Randall School on Spooner Street and then went on to “Wisconsin High School” on the University campus.  Where Kyle hung out with Peter D. Patterson, Bob Irwin, Steve Vig, David Ray Kataja and the Reise twin brothers, Tom and Richard. 

In time Monsignor Mac and the Dean of Students packed Kyle off to San Francisco where he entered a finance work study program at Bank of America. Here he learned system analysis foundamentals specializing in account audit analysis. 

Two years later Kyle set off for Washington, DC  where he graduated with honors at Maryland: majoring in Technology and Management with a Paralegal Studies minor.  

Kyle landed his first Washington assignments: first in the Rulemaking Division of the National Highway Transportation Administration where he received a commendation from it’s first administrator, Joan Claybrook. And later in support of Defense Department missions as a logistics analyst.

Journalism has always been Kyle’s great passion. His radio hero WGN’s Paul Harvey encouraged Kyle to develop his own unique neighborly flow of conversation. During the Reagan years he often engaged with political commentators like Eleanore Clift on the Washington airwaves. In the late 1990s Kyle was a regular Washington contributor to John Blackman’s morning show on Melbourne Australia’s 3AK which expanded across the daily schedule following his coverage of the 9/11 Terror Attacks.

MillennialMonitor.com brings together Kyle’s skills as a journalist and web developer. When things are quiet on the news cycle Kyle develops his expertise as a front end layout designer and back end coder. When a breaking story heats up he coordinates the Millennial Monitor social media platforms on the website, twitter and youtube. 

“Millennial Monitor is just a little fish in the media pond,” Kyle says. “And then the numbers get crunched on some of the social media platforms and it is amazing. A million hits on just one tweet. Hundreds of thousands on a video.”

Kyle says his heros are not so much the newsmakers – even more so are those who cover the news. The quiet voiceover of a Paris announcer as she describes a State Memorial service. Reporters in the White House Briefing Room challenging statements made from the podium. The Bob Schieffer’s commentators whose words return us to the foundations of our National Heritage. 

Maybe just one posting on a website will be discovered generations from now:

“That’s the nature of journalism: Informing the present – Preserving our record for tomorrow.”

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Millennial Monitor

Millennial Monitor, Washington, DC

Copyright ©2024 MillennialMonitor.com

Kyle Brown, Publisher

All rights reserved.