Netanyahu Israel election claims victory


By Kyle Andrew Brown

Tel Aviv – March 18 – This was an overseas Election Night outcome that Washington eagerly awaited. Not that American policy towards Tel Aviv was going to shift anywhere South whether Benjamin Netanyahu won or not. But scorecard tally it was nevertheless.

Make no mistake. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a formidable politician. That he and his country are so tightly wired into both the American psyche and the political arena is the envy of world capitals.

The scorecard tally has all to do with Netanyahu’s remarkable ability to corral the White House and Congressional Republicans into a Lose-Lose fisticuffs battle over . . . over really not much. The hard campaigning Netanyahu took the keys to the House chamber so pompously handed to him by Speaker John Boehner. And turned it into a Texas High School auditorium pep rally.

Not that folks in Dallas actually cared to hear Netanyahu speak. Everybody knew he was just gonna stick it bad to Obama.

That’s truly biting the hand that feeds Israel big time.

But Benjamin Netanyahu does have a valid point. Israel’s survival as a nation.

Recall, it’s not permitted for North American legacy politicians and opinion makers to question the manner in which the modern state of Israel came to be. But we’ll agree – Going forward we just have to deal with the cards we’ve been dealt.

Yet the circumstances of the manner of the state of Israel’s coming into being serve as the entire foundation of how Israel, her friends and her enemies regard Israel’s very existence.

This political dilemma of the past putting us where we are in the present – and trapping the state of Israel – is what makes the Netanyahu Washington performance disquieting.

The Israeli prime minister smugly assumes that he so well knows the American system of government that he can actually stride into the heart of the People’s House on Capital Hill and raise up his rhetorical whip and publicly lash the President of the United States.

And get away with it.

But does Benjamin Netyanahu get away with it? And does Benjamin Netyanahu really understand the American system of government – to his advantage?

Perhaps not.

Consider that it was a bunch of old white men from the Republican party that welcomed Netanyahu to the House chamber.

Oh, yes. The CBS Evening News the night before the Washington speech showed a huge crowd of donors cheering Netanyahu – up in New York City was it?

But seriously. Could he get a crowd in Sheboygan?

That’s the point.

Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel’s direction for her future are  already at odds with where the world has already moved off  to. Israeli’s perhaps watched PBS Newhour’s Judy Woodruff in one of those tedious discussions about Israel’s election and sorta think Oh! America’s really watching us and our election!


Ten dollars to the Millennial who can name the losing candidate.

Israel is a viable nation. American diplomacy will continue to stand behind her.

But listen up, Benjamin. This is how the American system of government works:

The Congress of the United States represents the people of America. Not Israel.

The President of the United States serves and protects all the people of America.

Not just one religion.

And one more thing, Benjamin.

Nobody in the United States was impressed with the killing of the helpless people of Gaza on your watch.

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