Norway journalist set free in Yemen

Raymond Lidal held by government since March

Norway journalist Rayman Lidan

Norway journalist Raymond Lidal set free in Yemen

Oslo, April 17 – State broadcaster NRK is reporting that journalist Raymond Lidal has been freed by militia forces controlling Yemen. He is reported to have left the country. The confirmation of his freedom was made by Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Frode O. Anderson.

Raymond Lidal was supposedly arrested by authorities while photographing in Sana’a, the Yemen capital. Norway has been direct and aggressive with Yemen officials holding the militia authorities who have taken control of the city directly responsible for the journalist’s safety and well being. 

Raymond Lidal was familiar with Yemen. In 2011 Raymond Lidal went to Yemen to study. Followed by a short NRK foreign affairs editor internship the following year. He has been correspondent from Yemen to the primay media associations in Norway. 

The journalist returned to Yemen in March following the takeover of the capital city Sana’a by Houthi militia. President Adu-Rabbu Mansour Hadi fled to neighboring Saudi Arabia. 

Source reporting via Raymond Lidal ute av Jemen

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