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Keeping SYRIZA’s Social Principles

Tsipras Raises His Fist

ATHENS, Jul7 22 – Alexis Tsipras is now a few hours before the start Parliament voting on the second part of austerity measures Agreement. Including need to turn on the “green light” for the start of negotiations on the third aid package: “raises his Fist.”

Noting that he has heard “no alternative to the Extortion Dilemma of July 12. “While at the same time he invites SYRIZA party to remain true to the party’s social principles.

The prime minister announced a party Congress to be held in  September.

The Prime Minister’s remarks echoed the manner in which he spoke to SYRIZA MPs in the morning caucus.   He was addressing the “opposition” of some MPs. 

“So far I see reactions, heroic statements read but he has not  heard offered no alternative proposals Blackmail dilemma of July 12 .

Although some believe that the alternative left project is the Schaeuble Plan, the collapse of European Central Bank  notes or giving pensioners IOUs instead of pensions. He chided the dissenting MPs to:    Go explain to the Greek people .”

And: “Do not hide behind the safety of my signature.” : «Να μη κρύβονται πίσω από την ασφάλεια της υπογραφής μου»

Addressing some self-criticism, talks about the responsibility assumed for a “hard compromise” but “keeps us alive to continue to fight.”

The weight of government work falls now to the negotiation of the new loan agreement.

“The outcome of this negotiation will be decisive and the government should take every opportunity to form alliances, – both political and social – in Europe, in order to have the best possible result,” reportedly said the prime minister.

Immediate objectives of government policy includes four pillars:

  • Fighting corruption and vested interests,
  • Promoting major reforms and necessary changes in the political system
  • Promotion of targeted actions in support of the weakest social groups
  • Trying to attract direct investment into the country to offset the recessionary trends in the economy.

As for the day of the Agreement, Alexis Tsipras noted according to government sources:  “It is necessary to make a comprehensive assessment of our progress and to collectively prepare our party strategy to address the new reality.” 

Finally, the prime minister said a partisan SYRIZA must be remain true to its social principles.  

In order to address the concerns and expectations of the tens of thousands of ordinary people who support him in his hopes.”

At this point, opened his papers before his colleagues stressing that “drawn as appropriate in the democratic culture of the left” SYRIZA will “drive in September on large collective processes to identify the goals and principles of the left government in the new reality “in preparation for the important Party Congress in September.

Translation : Greek Money

Αλέξης Τσίπρας – «Να μη κρύβονται πίσω από την ασφάλεια της υπογραφής μου»

Agony at Maximos Mansion

ATHENS, July 21 –  Crash test for government cohesion is the discussion of the bill with the prerequisites measures Summit Agreement in Brussels, which began with the character of urgency, Wednesday at 9am, at a joint meeting of the four relevant committees of Parliament, in the hall session.

If Wednesday the parliamentary power of the government fall below the 120 deputies:it is virtually on the stated loss and therefore more pressure for elections. However as stated government officials ” even if forced to go to elections, it will be done only after advance agreed . “

Unlikely to accelerate developments in internal party SYRIZA, to convene institutions and squabbling, which is not excluded to employ character “final cleanup”. However, according to the Tribune, what appears is that in the last case, Europe may not adversely sees the possibility of holding elections at some point after the summer.

Although it seems / likely that this will have one requirement: revision of the electoral Law and repealing bonus of 50 seats, in order to streamline and facilitate the formation of coalition governments. It is no coincidence that Tuesday election law change issue raised.

Translation :

Αγωνία στο Μαξίμου για την ψ


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