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Greece News and Commentary


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July 21-23. 2015

Greece news and commentary

This Euro-Thing’s gonna work.

Really, dude.


WASHINGTON, July 23 – Germany’s had quite a busy month what with all the bullying and stomping of boots on Greece this July. The whole Grexit thriller sure turned our attention to the cliff hanger saga of a country on the brink of disaster.

German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble he wants all his euros returned from Athens. Billions and billions of euros.

Wolfgang best gather his euros up quickly. This morning’s front page of the Berlin daily Die Welt they are saying America is seeing the euro collapse in sight.  Read more

Greece news and commmentary

Greece Approves Second Set of Changes Needed for Bailout


ATHENS, July 22 -Under the threat of yet another deadline, the Greek Parliament approved a second package of policy changes early Thursday that the country’s creditors had said must be in place before the detailed negotiations for an 86-billion-euro bailout could begin.

The new measures, overhauling the banking and judicial systems, passed easily with significant support from opposition parties eager to do whatever it takes to keep Greece from leaving the eurozone. The vote was 230 to 63, with five abstentions and two absences.  Read more

New York TImes

PHOTO: Alexis Tsipras with Panos Skourletis, the energy minister, at a parliamentary session in Athens. Yiannis Kourtoglou / Reuters



Parliament Passes Germany’s Extortion Dilemma Bill

The government submitted it’s bill to Parliament as an emergency measure. Consideration was limited to one day of debate to meet a midnight deadline imposed by the Institutions.

ATHENS, July 22 – The bill was approved by a majority of deputies after debate. The bill is the second set of measures called Summit Agreement “prerequisites.” 

VOTING IN FAVOR: The government SYRIZA-ANEL coalition. Joined by the opposition parties: New Democracy and PASOK River.

New Democracy and PASOK River recognized the extremely urgent need for the bill’s enactment of the bill. However, the two opposition parties accused the government of sloppiness by forcing Parliament to legislate under pressure.

VOTING OPPOSED: Golden Dawn and KKE. The two opposition parties spoke of unacceptable procedures.

Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos defended the Government’s request to consider the bill under emergency procedure. He stressed the need to complete the deal as soon as possible.  Read more

Agony at Maximos Mansion

UPDATED: 2015-07-23 4:13 EDT

ATHENS, July 21 –  Crash exam for government unity isvconsideration of the bill with contains the required reform measures put forward in the Agreement adopted at the the Brussels Summit.  There is an sense of urgency: Tomorrow, Wednesday at 9am, there will be a joint meeting of the four relevant committees of Parliament,

If on Wednesday the number SYRIZA deputies voting with the government falls below 120 then Alexis Tsipras would not have the necessary SYRIZA party support. With successful passage of the bill he would have Parliament’s approval to go forward in negotiations with the Institutions without having the mandate of his party.

The government would then be under pressure to call an election. However, government sources are said to say that if forced to call an election – likely in the early fall – it would do so only with an advance agreement. This rules out the parliamentary procedure of calling for an immediate snap election. There is indeed a sense of urgency to pass the Agreement to endorse continuing negotiations on “prerequisites.”  Prerequisites being so-called reforms to Greece banking framework and government expenditures and sources of revenue

Unlikely to accelerate developments in internal party SYRIZA, to convene institutions and squabbling, which is not excluded to employ character “final cleanup”. However, according to the Tribune, what appears is that in the last case, Europe may not adversely sees the possibility of holding elections at some point after the summer.

Although it seems / likely that this will have one requirement: revision of the electoral Law and repealing bonus of 50 seats, in order to streamline and facilitate the formation of coalition governments. It is no coincidence that Tuesday election law change issue raised.

Translation : Nooz.gr

Αγωνία στο Μαξίμου για την ψ


FAST TRACK KAI «Bir PARA ‘property auctions

Tsipras spokeswoman Olga Gerovasili says partisan SYRIZA must be alongside society

Syriza must be alongside society

Parliament has until tonight midnight tonight to approve the Government’s measure if Greece is to meet the creditors deadline. Government’s spokeswoman Olga Gerovasili was asked in an ERT1 interview to comment on the Prime Minister’s session with SYRIZA MPs this morning.

ATHENS, July 22 – The SYRIZA party caucus was held before four parliamentary committees convened for a joint hearing. The committees are to report on the Prime Minister’s bill in Parliament today. The bill as crafted by Maximos Mansion – sets forward the framework the Prime Minister and his negotiating team’s will undertake the Government’s response to Stage 2 of the Agreement.  Read more

Translation : ΗΜΕΡΗΣΙΑ

Όλγα Γεροβασίλη: «Ο κομματικός ΣΥΡΙΖΑ οφείλει να αντιστοιχηθεί με τον κοινωνικό»

PHOTO: Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras meets today with the the Presidium of the Union of Greek Banks (EET).


ATHENS, Jul7 22 – Alexis Tsipras is now a few hours before the start of Parliament voting on the second part of austerity measures Agreement. Including need to turn on the “green light” for the start of negotiations on the third aid package: “raises his fist.”

Noting that he has heard “no alternative to the Extortion Dilemma of July 12. “While at the same time he invites SYRIZA party to remain true to the party’s social principles.  Read more

Soaring Tax on Undeclared Overseas Deposits 

Finance Ministry new war on undeclared income:  100,000-200,000 undeclared abroad.

ATHENS, July 22 – If undeclared deposits abroad are declared, then “You will save.”

Somewhat so shaped the spirit of the bill being discussed today at a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Yannis DragasakisΓιάννης Δραγασάκης  with ministers and relates to undeclared income deposited in Greek and overseas banks. The information said that there are two proposals for the rates of taxation on undeclared income deposited abroad: 21% or 25%.  Read more

Translation : Newsit.gr

Νέα επίθεση της κυβέρνησης στα αδήλωτα εισοδήματα


Greece Accommodation VAT Rates

The rates for the calculation of VAT on hotels in the price of vacation travel packages accommodation includes: breakfast, half board, full board or inclusive all system announced the Secretary of Public Revenue.

Staying in hotels and similar from July 20, 2015 until and including September 30, 2015 under the ypermeiomeno VAT rate of 6%, while from October 1, 2015 onwards at the reduced rate of 13%.  Read more

Greece news and commmentary

Greece Approves Second Set of Changes Needed for Bailout


ATHENS, July 22 -Under the threat of yet another deadline, the Greek Parliament approved a second package of policy changes early Thursday that the country’s creditors had said must be in place before the detailed negotiations for an 86-billion-euro bailout could begin.

The new measures, overhauling the banking and judicial systems, passed easily with significant support from opposition parties eager to do whatever it takes to keep Greece from leaving the eurozone. The vote was 230 to 63, with five abstentions and two absences.  Read more

New York TImes

PHOTO: Alexis Tsipras with Panos Skourletis, the energy minister, at a parliamentary session in Athens. Yiannis Kourtoglou / Reuters



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