Ukraine oil oligarch Igor Kolomoysky loses Ukrnafta control

BY DMITRY KARCEV :  Дмитрий Карцев financial correspondent Catherine Mereminskaya

Source:  «В глазах людей я остаюсь олигархом, кровопийцей и мздоимцем»

Photo:   leshchenko.ukraine / FACEBOOK


Ukraine’s second wealthiest oligarch Igor Kolomoisky confronts new law removing his controlling interest in the country’s largest oil company.  Blue bar postMoscow – March 23 – Armed men blocked the office Ukrainian state oil company UKRNAFTA. Arrived at the scene Igor Kolomoisky. He is governor of Dniporpetrovsk Oblast and holds the private shares in the company.

[Last summer a Russian District Court issued  warrant for Kolomoysky’s arrest on charges of  “organizing the killing of civilians.”]

Meanwhile, in an interview on his own television channel the  oligarch said he was ready to obey any decision of the president about the future of state-owned companies under the group’s control.

The entrance to Uknafta headquarters was blocked on Sunday night. by Neppr-1 Battalion said   Verkhovna Rada deputy Sergei Leshchenko.

Kolomoisky told reporters at the offices  his men oppose a seizure raid of the company. He threatened an appeal to the prosecutor’s office. Adding that the men are   not volunteers, but private security hired by Ukrnafta.

Recall that on Thursday the chief of Ukrtransnafta Alexander Lazorko was dismissed. He is a  Kolomoisky protege.

Loss of share majority

The conflict began after the Verkhovna Rada passed a law which transfers majority ownership of  to the state.  50% plus one share private/ 60% plus one state

At Ukrnafta the situation is similar: 50% plus one share of the state, 42% – the group Kolomoisky Private.

On Friday night blocked the office people oligarch “Ukrtransnafta”, to the point and then came the Dnipropetrovsk governor who was extremely boistrous. He used profanity and chastised journalists gathered at the scene.

President Poroshenko reprimanded the governor’s actions on Friday. 

Details Kolomoysky’s biography are not short:

“In Lugansk, he was deputy head of the local SBU, was one of the participants, those who passed this group SBU with weapons to separatists a year ago – says Kolomoysky. – His nickname – Fifteen. Because he paid 15 thousand. Hryvnia or dollars received from commercial entities for the right to do business in Lugansk and Lugansk region “

Miroshnik – Kolomoysky meant by “Russian saboteurs” who are going to capture Ukrtransnafta.

While emphasizing his loyalty to the Poroshenko, Kolomoysky does not skimp on shots against the government. And this was perhaps the most interesting part of his statements Despite the fact that the oligarch has said repeatedly that can speak only “as an ordinary citizen. ” in fact, he laid out a full-fledged political program for the political crisis.

So, Kolomoysky several times reminded of pre-election promises Poroshenko (not to mention the at the present time).  In particular the decentralization of power and the near completion of the ATO.

And most importantly he urged Kiev to accept the fact that the DNR and LC exist and are the real power in large parts of Donbas.

Portrayal of Donbas

“We have two entities that we do not recognize – a DNR and LC. But that took place, much to our regret, they exist, said the oligarch.  

There are certain leaders, the people who run these regions. Part of Donetsk and Luhansk regions also live somehow. There remained 1.5-2 million Ukrainian citizens, and somehow they survive in these conditions. “

According to him, Kiev would be worth talking with their leaders directly rather than insisting on Vladimir Putin as a counterparty in settlement negotiations. It is worth noting that even insists on it, and the official Moscow.

“There have been pseudo, they won Zaharchenko and carpentry – recalled oligarch. – They now there is power, captured, usurped, but this power. Those who would have voted against them, these people have there, they left all, who could have left.

I have no confidence that if we now hold elections under Ukrainian law, the people there did not vote for Zaharchenko and Plotnitsky. “

He believes that Kiev should pay attention to soften the rhetoric of leaders breakaway republics, which are between a rock and a hard place. In  Russia they do not take back a part of Ukraine on the proposed conditions, they do not want.

Accordingly, the only way out for them – to continue the war, to which Ukraine is not ready. Therefore, it would be wiser to find an acceptable compromise for both sides.

Thus, the oligarch, who is one of the main sponsors of several volunteer battalions, actually marked a transition from the informal leader of the “party of war” on the side of the “party of the world.”

In this Kolomoysky rejected the suggestion that can create their own political force, “Due to the fact that I’m still in the eyes of society, in the eyes of the people staying oligarch, big capital, bloodsucker and bribe-takers or someone else, that is a negative”.

Dnipropetrovsk said that the policy comes a new political forces, among which he called “real sympathy” party “Self-help” Lviv Mayor Andrew Garden.

Recall that in the parliamentary elections last fall he took third place with almost 11%. Second place in its list received Semen Semenchenko – battalion commander “Donbas”, funded, according to some media reports, Kolomoisky.


Ukraine rebels fight for Republic of Akhmetov in Donetsk

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