Alexis Tsipras asks Parliament Agreement Eurogroup approval

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Creditors Three Extortion Options

KEYWORDS: Greece Eurozone crises: EU IMF Germany bailout Tsipras Merkel euro negotiations 

The government has the support of the nation.  It will not lose this support in this Parliament: “There are no suicides among MPs who would throw out the government of the left.” said Alexis Tsipras in his speech to Parliament, just before the vote on approving the Agreement with the creditors.

The Prime Minister directly addressed New Democrats president Vangelis Meimarakis to censure or to ask if elections anxious to vote of SYRIZA members and government cohesion, adding:

“Governments fall when they lose their support in society. Our government has lost none of its support in society.  And will not lose that support in Parliament because there are no suicides Members who will throw the government of the left.”

Translation: Millennial Monitor


“I am the last to escape from responsibility. However, I will be the last one who will voluntarily go alongside the government’s opponents and join them in removing the government from these benches,” the Prime Minister had earlier said in remarks to the SYRIZA MPs in caucus.

Alexis Tsipras spoke of “time of crisis and responsibility,” and called on MPs consider the creditors’ extortion on Greece. And what the options were during his 17 hours of negotiation at the Brussels Summit. He said MPs should recognize the three extortion options presented by the creditors to him at the weekend Summit. Would the MPs consider them to be real or to be fake.

This was the foundation of the delimma that Alexis Tsipras was presented by Angela Merkel and the creditors.

“If you come to believe that the extortion demands of the creditors were phoney, then I am open to listen to alternatives and move forward together.  If you believe the extortion threats were true, then there is no choice but to share all the weight of this responsibility.”

Mr. Tsipras repeated that the choices in front of him during the Summit were certain and clear: To accept an agreement on which there were many points with profound disagreements. To accept a disorderly default. Or to accept the accept the Schäuble Plan.

[Of the three choices given only the first with its disagreements gave us the option to return to Athens and ask for the Parliaments consent. Had we not accepted this option then the creditors gave two options: accept a disorderly default of accept the Schauble Plan.]

As he said in Brussels charged for the same option of responsibility towards the lower classes and not drive the society worse off, and stressed that the government is committed to doing everything possible, “with the same passion that he fought 6 months now, “to get a class in this country, to promote reforms to fight tax evasion and corruption, but also to mitigate the effects of the harsh measures.

Translation: Millennial Monitor


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PHOTO: Spiro Anassis

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