Greece: Good Cop – Bad Cop 

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Good Cop

Eurogroup Greece pause: Schäuble Grexit-Tsipras SYRIZA loyalty

Tusk warns of ideological division of Europe

BY HENDRIK KAFSACK / Frankfurter Allegemeine

BRUSSELS, July 17 – EU Council President Donald Tusk called on the leaders of the euroountries to return debate on Greece on an objective discussion level.

“There was last too much of dignity and humiliation talk. The story, not least the German, teaches us where that leads.” 

Translation / Frankfurter Allegemeine

The Pole warned of an ideological division of Europe.

As in 1968 there was widespread dissatisfaction with the status quo, which can quickly turn into a revolutionary mood. It will awaken the illusion that there is an alternative to the existing economic system, without restrictions and austerity.

Tusk criticized, the American Nobel laureate economist and austerity opponent Paul Krugman:  “What Krugman says, is certainly intellectually brilliant. But has nothing to do with reality.”

Blame for the Greece crises is not the introduction of the euro. But Greek politics. To claim otherwise is absurd.

The President defended the compromise of the Summit:

“Tsipras has negotiated as much as 80 billion euros aid for his country – and to rather soft conditions. The agreement was about to fail. The Grexit had briefly stood before.

Tusk argued against a rapid deepening of monetary union, as French President Francois Hollande called for.  Nobody is  ready for revolutionary changes as a Euro-Parliament or a private euro-budget.

Translation / Frankfurter Allegemeine

Tusk warnt vor ideologischer Spaltung Europas


Bad Cop

Wolfgang Schäuble

Schäuble urges Grexit

FRANKFURT, July 17 – After the vote in the Greek parliament negotiations on a third aid package for Greece can begin Bundesfinanzminster says Schäuble. But a real haircut he excludes unless Hellas would temporarily leave the euro.

He caused a stir in Brussels with a working paper for a temporary Grexit. Even after the agreement Schäuble holds the Grexit as a way talking.

Tranlsation:  ala / Reuters

Speculation is whether he does so in order to further maintain pressure on Athens, now to deliver promised reforms-inputs for another bailout.

Or if that’s actually the favored solution he – in combination with a then deeper integration of the other euro countries.

Will Tsipras replace MP defectors?

As for the haircut, Schäuble and Chancellor Angela Merkel ruled out that Greece nominal liabilities could be adopted.

However conceivable seems that once again extended the maturities and lowered interest rates for the loans granted to Greece.

However, the Ministry of Finance in Berlin stepped back on Wednesday saying it was only to the extent possible, no significant haircut.

Very offensively and prominently urges debt relief for Greece. France agrees.

Tsipras had no choice but to follow the creditors proposal:

“I had various options:

One was to accept an agreement, which I do not agree on many points, another was a disorderly default. “There are” for all of us no other option but to share the burden of this responsibility. ”

And he promised: “We will not move away from our promise to fight to the end for the rights of working people.”

Tranlsation:  ala / Reuters.


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