<div class="ribbon-theme">New Zealand</div>

Jacinda Ardern sworn in as New Zealand Prime Minister

Jacinda Ardern sworn in as new New Zealand Prime

New Zealand
Jucinda Ardern Heads Labor-Greens Government

Jacinda Ardern was officially sworn in at Government House Thursday morning as New Zealand’s Labor-Greens prime minister.  dafter releasing her Cabinet line-up and giving her first major public speech in her new role yesterday.

Yesterday Jacinda Arern gave her first major public speech as the incoming leader of government. She outlined several worker friendly policies of her Labor-Greens government that undo the work of the previous Government. These include:

• restoring the right to meal and rest breaks and the duty to conclude bargaining

• restoring the right of union access to the workplace

• restoring the right of workers to initiate collective bargaining

Auckland, New Zealand
October 26, 2017

Reporting from New Zealand Herald contributed to this report.

Read the full story »»

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