Kellyanne Conway Explains Clinton Jail Plan
By Kyle Andrew Brown

Washington, October 10 – When the nation inaugurates the 45th President in January it’s either going to be the second Obama Administration with Hillary Clinton at the helm. Or the Washington Establishment is going to be shaken up Big TIme as Donald Trump moves into the White House next to his new hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue. First priority of a Trump Administration’s shaking up of Washington is going to be – probably on Day One – a President Trump appointment of a Special Prosecutor from the Justice Department to investigate, prosecute and jail his election opponent Hillary Clinton. It’s called the Hillary Clinton Jail Plan.

Donald Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway explains her boss’ Hillary Clinton Jail Plan to CNN political reporters in the post-debate Spin Room.

Source: CNN.com

Published: 10 Oct 2017 11:55:16 GMT Modified: 14 Jan 2017 12:00:16 GMT

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