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The Greek default is fast approaching: The highly anticipated interview of euro zone finance ministers went to one and a half hours with no result at the end.Therefore, the leaders will meet on Monday at a special summit, which was scheduled at short notice.

In the euro finance ministers there has been no agreement on Greece. The government in Athens has been asked to seriously enter into negotiations, said the responsible for the euro EU Commission Vice Chief Valdis Dombrovskis with after the half-hour discussion on the short message service Twitter. The Euro Group was ready at any time to meet new consultations.

Valdis Dombrovskis

Time is running out

Euro group chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem said an agreement was still not in sight. The Greek side had submitted to a few suggestions that are reliable and serious enough.”The ball is clearly in the Greek field. Time is running out,” he added.

Even if until June 30, even the undertaking may an agreement, it is inconceivable that by that date the remaining funds would be disbursed. If there is an agreement, the current utility may have to be extended in order to gain time for the payoff, so Dijsselbloem.

Tagesschau 20:00 clock, 06/18/201 

Censure even from the IMF

Even IMF chief Christine Lagarde, who was also present at the meeting, called on Greece to take concrete and credible proposals. The representatives of the creditors had already softened conditions.

The Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis explained unfortunately Dijsselbloem merely pointed out the responsibility of the Greek side – and not on the responsibility of all stakeholders. The Euro Group has proved that it is not a forum where serious discussions could be conducted because they have refused to discuss the Greek proposals, he said.

EU Council President Donald Tusk called now for Monday a special summit of heads of state and government of the euro zone in order still to find a solution in the debt dispute with Athens.

“The most urgent thing is that we restore a dialogue with adults in the room.” IMF head Christine Lagarde

Months of negotiations

Greece is negotiating for months with its international lenders on the terms of payment of outstanding grants of 7.2 billion euros. Controversy exists mainly on demanded by creditors cuts in pensions and the increase in VAT.

Until the Greek aid program expires the end of June, only a few more days. Then Greece threatens national bankruptcy. The meeting of the Euro Group in Luxembourg was the last scheduled meeting of finance ministers of the monetary union before the end of the utility.

ARD.de / Translation

Beratungen der Eurogruppe zu GriechenlandKeine 

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