Sergey Lavrov foreign policy review


Foreign Policy Review

Moscow, January 21, 2015


Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: 

Welcome to our traditional Foreign Policy Review.

The situation was more difficult than in previous years – chronic conflicts have long been smoldering and burning, adding new dangerous tensions.

Of particular concern is the situation in the Middle East and North Africa.

International community is hampered by a number of negative trends.

First, the fundamental contradiction between the  dispersal of global power:

The process of formation of a Polycentric World Order.

Persistent attempts by the Historical West to at any price to keep leadership in world affairs

To impose, including by force – their attitudes and values ​​to other participants in international relations.

This line, as in a mirror, reflected in the situation in Ukraine.

Russia is firmly committed to a comprehensive and extremely peaceful settlement of Ukrainian crisis.

Only the people of Ukraine, without outside interference, should determine their own future.

Sergey Lavrov foreign policy review


We hear a lot of statements from our Western partners that Russia should be further isolated.

Vladimir Putin stressed  and made it clear that Russia would never go the way of self-isolation.

The signing of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEC), which began full-length on January 1, 2015 was a major step in promoting the integration of the former Soviet Union.

The line of Brussels in connection with the Ukrainian crisis has led to a significant decline in our interaction with the EU, the aggravation of our agenda a number of problematic issues in the political and economic fields.

Sergey Lavrov foreign policy reviewThe first step in this direction could be the start of negotiations on an agreement on free trade zone between the EAEC and the EU.

In the Americas, relations between Moscow and Washington is seriously deteriorated. The US administration has turned a bilateral dialogue in most areas.

We call on our American partners to return to the path of constructive cooperation.

Continued efforts to further integration of Russia in the Asia-Pacific region. Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly noted that cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region is strategic for us, a priority for the entire 21st century.

Our partnership with China in the international arena has become well established as an important element of maintaining global and regional stability and security.

The main threat to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) constituted an Islamic State.

Sergey Lavrov foreign policy reviewQ. Tonight in Berlin to resume negotiations, Norman Format. What keeps the parties from agreeing?

A. We are very concerned about another outbreak of violence in the South-East of Ukraine. The most important thing – you need to immediately stop attacks, including the air of heavy weapons, human settlements, including Donetsk and other major cities in the region.

It is important to take steps that will create some guarantees of non-resumption of hostilities.

We are trying to resolve the conflict while maintaining the territorial integrity of Ukraine and ensuring the rights of the population of the South-East as part of the Ukrainian state (you need to start the political process), and bearing in mind that all recognize the need to restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Ukraine insists on the line fixed in the Annex to Minsk Memorandum dated September 19, and we support such a position.

We used our influence on the leadership of the DNI and the LC, and they also agree with this.

In a conversation with the Ambassador of Russia in Ukraine M.Yu.Zurabovym President Pyotr Poroshenko seems to be mentioned that in his message to Russian President Vladimir Putin invites parties to withdraw heavy weapons, but without specification of any line.

To be mentioned that in his message to Russian President Vladimir Putin invites parties to withdraw heavy weapons, but without specification of any line. This is not true. The line was mentioned very specifically. This is the same line of contact, which recognizes and insists on the Ukrainian side

Constitutional reform – a system task that are wrapped by the Ukrainian authorities in spite of the promises repeatedly …

Sergey Lavrov foreign policy review. The Polish authorities consider  Poland should also be involved in the process of political settlement in Ukraine, maybe even as a fifth member Norman Quartet.. Is it possible, in your opinion, and it would give a positive impetus to the negotiations?

A.  I did not decide.We will support any format that would be acceptable to Kiev and militia. The most important thing is not who is going to sit at the negotiating table.

I do not want to attract too much attention and do advertising that person, but I have to do it. Because when we are warned against indulging in Right Quadrant  and Freedom – whose leader O.Tyagnibok publicly advocated the “ethnically pure Ukraine without Muscovites and Jews,” our “enlightened” Western partners say that these people set up “a little nationalist, just to the right of the mainstream. ” This is a dangerous indulgence.Sergey Lavrov foreign policy review

Q: Yesterday’s speech Barack Obama is not a positive note from the point of view of establishing a broad dialogue between Russia and the United States.

A. The Americans headed for confrontation and absolutely uncritically evaluate their own steps. Yesterday’s speech a shows that in the center stands the philosophy of only one thing – we – number one, and all others must acknowledge this – that some outdated and does not meet current realities.

US foreign policy philosophy even more aggressive.They want to be not even the first among equals, and dominate the world.

I think it will pass, although the changes will take a considerable period of time.

Americans come to realize that this position cannot be maintained indefinitely.

They already have to turn for help, being unable to solve alone this or that problem.

US form coalitions, as it did in Iraq, and is now happening in their fight against the so-called “Islamic state”, “build” Europe.

The philosophy of We are No. 1  of the Americans in the blood. It was formed more than a year, and more than a decade. Therefore, change this philosophy and Genetic Background will not be easy.

Sergey Lavrov foreign policy reviewQ. In recent days, in the Ukraine there is a surge of violence and the growing number of those killed. Russia insists on the performance of the Minsk protocol.  What specific steps offers Moscow  to ensure their implementation?P

Perhaps my words will sound somewhat critical, but is  your country ready to stop the flow of troops and weapons across the border Russia to Ukraine, to stop the violence there?

A. As to the “flow of troops and weapons”, we constantly hear it. Every time I say, “If you’re saying this with such confidence, show the facts.”

Q. This year marks the 70th Anniversary of the Victory over fascism.

How are we to counter manifestations of fascism and militarism in modern conditions?

A. first necessary to preserve the historical memory of how 70 years ago, jointly managed to put an end to the criminal ideology of misanthropy, which threatened the very existence of human civilization.

Q: Is there any prospect of improved relations between Russia and NATO?

A. NATO has chosen a confrontational way. The speed with which NATO members chopped off all contacts with the Russian Federation, essentially “freeze” and numerous projects of mutual interest through the NATO-Russia Council (NRC), shows that the mentality of the “cold war” has not disappeared from the heads of our NATO partners. They still see the alliance as a tool to promote unilateral interests. We have repeatedly drawn attention to it.

Sergey Lavrov foreign policy reviewWe believe that with all the twists and turns and disasters in the world leading states that have a decisive impact on the state of global stability and security, can not afford to stop talking to each other. Therefore, if the partners to their senses and yet confirmed the readiness of mutually respectful and equitable to talk, we are ready for this.

We have information that the new NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg would be interested to organize contact “on the margins” of some international events.

With regard to US Secretary of State John Kerry, I met with him more than anyone else of my colleagues, not to mention the numerous telephone conversations. The last time we talked late last night. So if at some international forum we will be next, I do not exclude that sit down and talk again.

The main thing that these talks had results.

Sergey Lavrov foreign policy review

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