Brussels Tsipras-Merkel summit maps Greece future

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Some Greek drachma proponents include nationalists - leftists - profiteers - youth

The financial markets are in chaos, Is Europe failing? Horror scenarios are circulating about Greece’s future. But in the country there are also profiteers.

The proponents of a euro exit at a glance.

 Athens, June 29 – All Greece fears for the fate of the euro? From because: Some Greeks approve a Grexit, some groups crave a return to the old currency actually brought. Which actor has what motives? The overview:

1. The ideologues – The heart beats on the left

They accumulate in the Syriza -Regierung, but also elsewhere in political Athens: Confident ideologues.

They believe that Greece better off without the euro (and Europe) could handle and should be completely independent. Panagiotis Lafazanis is one, the leader of the ultra-left Syriza-wing, describes friends and enemies as honorable patriots –

But in the eyes of his critics, he is trapped in the mind of the Communism of the 20th century (the Russian St. Petersburg as he calls still Leningrad. Now they are eagerly awaiting the next appointment: Next Sunday Premier Alexis Tsipras wants his people vote on the austerity package. As the ultra-left Syriza-wing vote, should be clear.

2. The theorists – Giving the Grexit sense

For the German economic researcher Hans-Werner Sinn from the Ifo Institute, there are Greek counterparts: Grexit passionate supporters, whose beliefs are not ideological, but are based on economic paradigms.

They are part of the left wing – such as Kostas Lapavitsas. Finance Minister Giani Varoufakis once said about him that he had made ​​a career “to return to the drachma”.

Lapavitsas is a professor of economics. And he believes on the basis of a “detailed economic plan” that the Greek people would have a better future with its own currency. He is not alone with this assessment:

Speaking to the left professors at Greek universities can be heard again and again, the Grexit had been demonized. Greece now need a calm and rational debate and a detailed plan B for the transformation of the country.

Some claim that there is such a plan but does not admit and that the creditors also knew that – why Premier Tsipras drew one  red line after another in the negotiations.

3. The young Greeks – The younger, the drachma

“I wish us the drachma back, that would be willing to take risks,” said a 18-year-old Greek woman SPIEGEL ONLINE – just on that day, as most of their peers received their high school grades. The young woman is not alone: ​​Surveys show that the fear of the reintroduction of the drachma increases with age.

According to a survey by the think tank bridging Europe, which surveyed around 1,800 Greeks 22-45 years of age, 63 percent of respondents are not afraid of the Grexit.

Of course not, throw critics of these surveys a: Many respondents can not remember the drachma or were still in elementary school, when there was still the currency. Thus, many young Greeks have no memories of the hyperinflation or the fact that one for a bank loan a “meson” needed – an acquaintance in an influential position.

4. Corrupt entrepreneurs – One must still have chaos in one

It’s no secret that a number of business people with failed or indebted companies yearn for the exit from the euro. Because that would be the ideal opportunity to let erase their loans in chaos for some of them.

5. The owners of secret accounts abroad – Buy, Buy

It is estimated that to accounts outside of Greece more than 200 billion euros, the Greeks have hidden there in time. It make not only the super-rich: In the past year paid to the government, according to 5,260 public sector employees a total 1.45 billion euros abroad, as a precaution. You want to save their money and hope at the same time on the whereabouts of Greece in the euro zone.

Others, however, speculate on the Grexit to then grab the concealed assets Land, companies and many others in their homeland. Because the new currency after the euro certainly lose value quickly – and then these profiteers may buy extremely cheap.

6. The nationalists – Many roads lead to Moscow

Not everyone is happy with the Greek strategy, adhere to the three institutions EU, ECB and IMF to tie. Many Greeks hold on Samuel Huntington’s theory of the “clash of civilizations” fixed, in Greece is not part of the West.

But belongs to an orthodox axis with Russia. Greece has always had this problem of identity, and many feel the West to this day a stranger.T

This was evident in the eighties, when thousands of Greeks called for a closure of the “deadly NATO military camp” in Greece. More on that later adapted the support to Serbia in the Yugoslav wars and the recent flirtation with Vladimir Putin’ss Russia.

Finally, there are even dreams, Russia, China, Iran or Latin American countries could emerge as savior or benevolent partners on the Greek side at the last moment.

7. The powerful officials – since everyone could come

Part of the European Union to be and the euro zone, brings some rules and rules with it. In Greece, these rules has either taken care of ridicule or outrage. A weakened, losgelöstes Greece could, however, to realize their own state apparatus, without the influence of external inspectors.

In such a country, the key could be called a success once again: Only those who know the right people at the important points, is progressing.

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In summary: Some Greeks want their country to exit from the euro zone: nationalists and leftists have ideological objectives, corrupt businessmen and officials scenting power and money. And a lot of the youth do not know simply from our own experience how life in Greece without Europe worked.

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