Tsipras Red radio interview defends Brussels Agreement

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Tsipas Red Radio Interview


WASHINGTON, July 31 – Self-criticism, jittery moments and apocalyptic mood is how one major Athens newspaper describes the Prime Minister’s Radio Red interview at midday today. Wednesday pulls together a remarkable set of circumstances for Alexis Tsipras, his SYRIZA governing party and the War Time footing of his nation.

It’s almost unprecedented in parliamentary politics that a sitting prime minister has the moral backing of his party but in his making of a crucial economic war time decision to fight back the adversary sees both his own and his parties political principles sacrificed.

The party’s founding ideals are centered on representing the common people of Greece society. A barrage of dire circumstances has fallen upon Greece.

The noose of Germany’s imposed Bank Holiday has ended the financial joyride of bankers in Germany, France and Nederland. The joyride forcibly drew in small timers like Finland which gave the monopoly game play it’s eurozone cache. The taxpayers of the small timers get it that they have been fleeced in the name of European solidarity.

The decades of ongoing cycle of eurozone cash infusions were enabled by the old parties. State salaries, social services and pensions were relied on Brussels and not an efficient and equitable revenue stream of domestic taxation. 

Alexis Tsipra defends his decision to sign the Agreement. 

“I do not regret for a moment what happened last week,”  he told journalist Kostas Arvanitis on Red 105.35 But does admit that “after February 20 he carried away a deal that is constantly eating away our skin.” He says it was a fundamental error.

Mr. Tsipras says the July 5 Referendum was a risky but necessary option. The electorate voted overwhelmingly NO widely interpreted to be a YES to remaining in the euro. And NO to continued negotiations with Germany.

At the Brussels Summit on July 12: “My heart was telling me to pack up and leave ”  he said. He stressed that that the only long term benefit from debt reduction. IMF Chair Christine Lagarde shares this view.

Recommended reading:

Tsipras message to dissedents


Tsipras: Elections if I have no government majority

 Radio Red Excerpts

Translation / 

For the negotiation:

  • You should make a sober assessment of these six months, but not to self-flagellate … Feelings are many but we must be proud because we fought … we defended the law and regardless of correlations and enforcement power of the powerful, what remains is to confirm internationally the deadlock of austerity.
  • There was first a tough deal. The interests were conflicting … The institutions proved that it was not independent or neutral.
  • The mandate of the people was that of hard bargaining. Stop bleeding by the Greek people. Before the election I did not say it would tear understandings. We not promised a walk. The people was aware of the difficulties. Let populist approach that says’ you said you would tear understandings and remove them one by one law. ” I did not say that we torn understandings with a law and no one said it.
  • Passed a law on humanitarian crisis, we managed to restore major social injustices, voted the law for 100 doses “against the institutions”, we had the opportunity to vote on progressive laws beyond the budgetary framework. We took initiatives on the stifling environment, while we negotiate. Let’s not zero the counter of the government’s work.

For the referendum:

  • I had no choice but to go to a referendum, which have to admit that it was a risky choice, but you should see what the data on 25 June. The chances of losing the referendum were high after and hard attitude of lenders to “close” to banks. The choice, however this was the only way. The measures were a little worse than the current but gave no perspective and no output.
  • The referendum decided in Brussels. Once I returned to Athens convened governmental council, which I interrupted to talk with Merkel and Hollande whom he briefed on the referendum, not a rupture command, and asking them to help in the smooth running of which promised, said the prime minister. Only Merkel told me that he will come out openly to say that the referendum regardless of the question, conceals the question “Euro drachma.” I told her that is not so, but he has every right to say that he wants. Did not keep their promise, he added.
  • The referendum failed to internationalize the problem, to reveal the real person partners and lenders. Xemprostiasei them. The EU has reached the limits of endurance and today has called into question its course … Now the same day we take euros 83dis and won on the debt issue.
  • The road before us is whether the impairment or the cancellation of the debt that the country has a budget margin.
  • Before the referendum a coup had created conditions in the country, some were saying even Bukhara at Maximos.
  • I did not say lies to the Greek people. Never I set out on the euro. The “no” in the referendum yielded and brought a better deal.
  • Some attempt a tampering. The Greek people voted out of the euro.
  • Vindictive decision to close the banks because they resorted to the referendum.
  • We will not give away the victory of the referendum on anyone.Neither those who interpret it clandestinely.

For the agreement of July 12

  • At the summit, although I did what to advise my heart to get up and leave the same day would fall the bank branches and 48 hours will be finished liquidity even that 60 euros. But this is the least, would collapse the collaterals banks.
  • I gave the battle knowing that if I leave you go back maybe with unfavorable terms. To prevail in the final decision to protect the working classes of the country and of the left, a vindictive politics, it was a good choice
  • I never had in mind to play letters crown their labors of a life of so many of our fellow citizens … There was never subject haircut of deposits but collapse. That ypiche the risk of not even exist deposits.
  • I had a dilemma. Everybody was saying «this is a coop» («this is a coup”), for some moments I did not know what to do.
  • The battle of Brussels is Pyrrhic victory partners and lenders, big moral victory of Greece and painful compromise to the financial
  • I do not regret a moment on what happened during these months.Deserved politically. Greece and Greek flag was first subject and joined at the center

For capital controls and Varoufakis

  • Progress has been damaged by the capital controls, but is reversible situation. Precondition is to close the deal, because the plan for certain grexit remains.
  • Today lifted kourniachtos incredible from the opposition parties and systemic means, for if he had Varoufakis Plan B. Imagine what would happen if there was a financial disaster.

For the Left government

  • The Left did what he could to break the behavior of lenders. But there are two options: either break or a painful deal. We continue to fight for can escape from the harsh supervision. To escape we need to create a large international movement assistance to the country. The solution is not to fall into the pit with crocodiles.
  • The government of the Left that is required to implement such a program at the same time trying to find equivalents. The deal did not end on July 12.
  • I fear that the rumors about new packages, first out of here, go to Brussels and come back. I know what we signed in Eurosummit.
  • Structural changes and reforms can not be made in social rupture conditions, but social consensus conditions. We battle to overthrow the memorandum, which had to accept, and to free ourselves gradually.

For dissidents within SYRIZA

  • The different opinions is wealth. But there is an issue. Two years ago we made a founding congress. We aim to have a single SYRIZA. We must admit that did not achieve the transition from party components into a single party. The responsibilities that are up for discussion. We have to look sober and comradely.
  • I do not work culture archigismou. I respect different opinion. So I am the first to respect the collective proceedings.
  • He has surprised the attitude of some comrades. We gave battles and we sat at the same table with the same agony. That if you close a bank will be destroyed. And the same people thought that after the deal, after securing that “will not close”, said that “you can vote,” and “we will keep the ideological purity.”
  • When a party exercise governmental power and that (pp exist parallel centers of power) is transferred and Parliament can not function. There can be no a la carte government power.
  • Surrealism is telling you one that I condemn to protect you.
  • If someone disagrees must deliver the seat to the next.


  • I’ll get to the end in ensuring unity, but unity is not ekviasmeni section … If you do not have a parliamentary majority, we will go to elections – will depend on the Court’s decisions.

For errors

  • After February 20 carried away in a deal that was a constant deterioration of our flesh. However I repeat that this semester I feel proud of the battle given.
  • While I identify and explain that if this conflict with the dominant forces in Europe Getting frontal characteristics, must be done early, in February, eventually after February 20 carried away in a deal that was a constant deterioration of our flesh. This was a basic mistake.Nevertheless it is not easy decision to say “no pay”. However for this semester I feel proud to battle given. There we came to disaster. All financial figures are anataxima.



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