Tsipras tells SYRIZA to compromise with Europe

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ATHENS, July 30 – The six month ride that Alexis Tsipras has taken on the Maximos Express has been one of remarkable entry into a formidable leadership position within the European Union.

The once young prime minister of January 25 has sat in the private offices of the small corps of men who run the European Union in Brussels. He has sat across from Christine Lagarde so many times she probably is about to hand over her rolodex to him.

The guy has had a wide and diverse range of conversations with Europe’s well placed dignataries and senior economists. At Summits put together just for his benefit he has engaged and been engaged by prime ministers and their senior aides.

And like Angela Merkel, François Hollande and Barack Obama he has had the troubling experience of sitting next to the stone faced Soviet leader Vladimir Putin.

When Alexis Tsipras has not been on the Buitenland Shuttle he’s been at the lectern of Parliament stating his case and gathering up his votes – from whatever side of the aisle chooses to provide them.

The guy has proven himself to be a genuine Boy Scout and he just keeps collecting his merit badges.

This morning when the SYRIZA Central Committee came before him he spoke to them the way American Presidents do – with the nuanced allusions to shared sacrifice and shared ambition.

It was with the calculus of Prime Ministers who thrive in an environment where hidden forces can collapse a party leader – or the government itself can call a snap election – Alexis Tsipras stuck it to SYRIZA’s MPs.

In party leader code words he told his MPs they could continue to walk through the forest with him. Or he would set off with the adventurous among them – recruit some fresh talent – and go to the electorate to get his new mandate.

Alexis was charitable to his MPs engaging them with we did this, we did that.

In actual fact it has been the spiritual foundation of the party that has brought out the we in Maximos Mansion.

For the execution of selfless service from what it is to be a SYRIZAN was accomplished by two guys – the Prime Minister and his trusty side kick Yanis Varoufakis.

The script of emotions that swept through the party on the floor of Parliament could not have been better packaged by Sophicles.

From the responsibility of Maximos Mansion the Prime Minister looked over those party MPs who voted their conscience and did not support the government during roll call.

Tack on those two ministers who dumped the trash in their offices and stormed out.

So mature.

Unlike an American Majority Leader he called no one out and he assessed no blame.

Make no mistake. Alexis Tsipras has done a lot of heavy lifting.

Angela Merkel knows it. So does Wolfgang Schäuble.

The two Germans and their country have been crippled by the pro-Greece press. The unspoken caricature of Wolfgang is of a guy channeling the Nazi past.

Which in personal terms is quite unfair. Before she dreamed up Grexit Angela Merkel, if she chose, was United Nations Secretary General material.

But now enormous damage has been done to the existing order of the European Union and the fabricated facade of Germany Rebirth.

The European Union has been publicly unmasked as a contrite fiction. The EU is revealed to be just a collection agency for the German Axis financial empire.

Germany Rebirth is to be put off for another generation. The suspicions that linger about the German mentality of inherent political cruelty have been rekindled.

The big shots that run the European Union – a handful at best – they and the German Axis have already cashed in and put away for retirement.

But surely it is not going to be business as usual for the nation states of Europe. Already the oligarchy press is spinning out code words for  the change about to either blossom or explode on the fringes of the German Axis.

The cut and paste media words are social leftists.

The SYRIZANs with open collar and the POLEMOS Spaniards with pony tails are all about taking stuff back for the common guy who sees – like the American middle class – 2 percent of the population sucking in 97% of the wealth.

And shipping off national labor poweress to Asia and Mexico.

Alexis Tsipras would like his citizens to believe the future is not all a pipe dream.

This throwing off the German oligarchy that dispenses food stamps in Brussels controlled ATMs.

So much of all this Grexit War has been the exacting reading of rules by the Germans. And the recitation of logic by the Greeks.

In between the rules and the logic are woven the narratives of people and peoples.

It turns out the Greeks are not filthy rich people.

And perhaps Wolfgang Schäuble isn’t a Nazi sympathizer after all.

But Grexit need not find it’s final act as tragedy. And Germany need not isolate itself in Aryan superiority.

Greece now has a political leadership that recognizes that it is only Greece society that can reshape the nation from her 2nd world nation status.

Germany might even one day decide to become European.


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