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Rock star Yanis Varoufakis sudden resignation

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Αντίο, κύριε Βαρουφάκη

Goodbye Sir Varoufakis




ATHENS, July 7 – There is a slang expression mainly on the web that accurately describes the case of Yanis Varoufakis. The attention whore. Around thee edges and for those who do not know a phrase used to describe the person who seeks so much attention of the world that would do anything to have it. And like that was until recently Minister of Finance.

The man in the early days of his tenure in the first institutional success (getting to visit the president of the Eurogroup, and has not done not a little) made sure to overshadow everything the Ntaiselmploum would say WOW!

The guy while the country was burning and negotiations culminate leave everything behind and go three days in Aegina.

The guy photographed in Paris Match background anything but austere life, which -molis- had told Greek people.

The guy had a personal image maker and agent, which booked interviews and television appearances. Not bad, but an indication of megalomania. There’s more, so many that I cannot remember.

It does not make sense.

The Varoufakis imprinted on the collective memory is a rock star.

You see it in the reactions of the world when they encounter him in public.

It has been imprinted, however, and is a barrier.

As egomaniac exhibitionist professor who tries to change workplace. From the new digital markets of America until the literature and politics. Anything to stay out of classrooms.

It is interesting that had he not left, he  would have sooner or later.

My personal view is better sooner than later.

It is interesting how he left.

At 8 in the morning, before the first council of political leaders Tsipras, with a text on twitter  saying that he submitted his resignation to the Prime Minister.

Addressed to the people, as if he is the Prime Minister himself.

And empty and partly Tsipras, after saying that the lenders have asked and he accepted it.Wow! What happened? Does the Left government take suggestions from Schaeuble and Ntaiselmploum?

What happens now?

Whatever someone waiting who knows even a little.

Yanis will turn up in the world once again. Only now the price will be considerable.

He will speak to CEOs and universities. And each word will be a few thousand dollars, every smile  a few thousand euros. This will keep around while it lasts, and his presence in the ministry.

The issue is what Tsipras and how he keeps a safe distance. I recall that he had first come in votes in B ‘Athens, the biggest constituency of the country. And it has been  enormous since.



Protagon / Translation

©  Αντίο, attention whore κύριε Βαρουφάκη

Photo: Nikos Libertas / SOOC

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