<div class="ribbon-theme">Alabama Values</div>
Alabama’s Decision: Defiance or sending a pedophile to Washington

Moments after Trump went out to the White House South Lawn to deliver his ringing endorsement of Alabama Judge Roy Moore, MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace shot out:  “I have this physical feeling of just being repulsed listening to — be it a figure head, he is the head of the Republican Party – and I have described myself as a non-practicing member – but I don’t know what other word to use other than repulsed, that the head of the Republican Party said essentially threw his weight behind someone accused of stalking and engaging in sexual activity with a 14-year-old.”

MSNBC political analyst Elise Jordan reported on the road map of Trump’s sorta endorsement of Roy Moore. The way it worked was White House Trump whisperer Kellyanne Conway did a test drive on FOX and Friends saying that tax reform is going to be tough to pass so we need all the votes.

Concludes Elise Jordan: “I think the debate going on right now in the Republican party are Republicans who want to win at any cost. And Republicans who are saying ‘Stop –  there is no legislation worth supporting child molestation.’

MSNBC political analyst Elise Jordan

We first saw that narrative pop up when last week when Alabama Governor Kay Ivy told reporters she believed the pedophile accusations against Roy Moore to be true.

But just the same, the unelected Alabama governor wanted voters to know how important having Roy Moore in the United States Senate is gpnna be. So he can vote for the next Republican Supreme Court nominee.

Donald Trump sexual misconduct accusers

Nicolle Wallace then pulled up a graphic showing a dozen women accusers of Trump’s sexual misconduct. Nicolle turned to MSNBC National Affairs Analyst John Heilemann and offered up: If Trump starts to look as though he’s casting judgement on a man accused of sexual misconduct by nine women. Well then maybe one of Trump’s women will tell their stories and someone will believe them this time.

John Heilemann pulled back from the direction of Nicolle’s suggestion. The campaign book author inside him is more observer of events than Nicolle, the former political operative in the Bush W. Bush White House.

“I think that’s too strategic,” said John. “Donald Trump is always about Donald Trump. All he cares about is himself. I think in this instance I don’t think he’s weighing questions of moral consistency. Or ethical consistency. He wants to win. He wants to get that legislation passed. To go through the year and have no legislative accomplishments would be devastating for him. “

“Before, it seemed to me, he was afraid to go against Roy Moore because he thought he would lose again. Now he’s looking at the situation and thinks there’s a chance Roy Moore could win. And if Roy Moore can win that is ultimately in his interest. In Trump’s interest all he cares about is getting a legislative win.

MSNBC National Affairs Analyst John Heilemann

John Heilemann sure doesn’t think Trump cares about the morality. Doesn’t care about the party. “I don’t think he cares about the intellectual consistency on the question of predation. I think all he cares about is who’s likely to win this race?  And what does that mean for Donald Trump? If Moore can win I’ll be on Moore’s side. And that will be good for me because a greater likelihood of tax legislation being passed, That will be a win on the chalk board for me.”

We come full circle to Kay Ivy’s gubernatorial endorsement of the pedophile Roy Moore for the United States Senate. Whatever the outcome of the Roy Moore-Doug Jones contest Governor Ivy has added one more ugly notch to Alabama’s tradition of what her tribe choose to name righteous defiance

For it is not so true to say that the people of Alabama are not righteous in the evangelical sense.

More so, it is the ancient league of white power brokers that control Alabama’s governing institutions that are fully lacking in moral fortitude.

November 22, 2017

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