Greece Euro Digital Currency System collapse Tsipras Konstantopoulou

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Zoe Konstantopoulou speaks for Greece Parliament


ATHENS, July 24 – For political Athens it has been the most difficult of times. The MPs of whichever political party are a close knit group of insiders forced to stand aside as events outside the county’s geographic borders overwhelm financial, social and democratic institutions.

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Zoe Konstantopoulou

The popular Parliamentary Speaker Zoe Konstantopoulou : Ζωή Κωνσταντοπούλου has been caught up in the cross hairs of events. Articulate lawyer by profession now constitutional authority for a government under siege by Berlin.

Zoe Konstantopoulou is a key figure within Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras SYRIZA party. SYRIZA has as its fundamental platform the protection of the common people of Greece from the crippling austerity program to be imposed by Germany and her allies.

The austerity program that Angela Merkel and her coalition in the Bundestag want to impose on Greece is to seize euros out of the Greece currency stream and forward them to banks in Germany, France and a lesser amount to places like the Nederland and Finland.

Zoe Konstantopoulou the Parliamentary Speaker has consistently spoken out to defend the common people of Greece from additional crippling burdens being imposed by Germany. In Wednesday’s debate to authorize continuing eurozone negotiations she forcefully opposed continuing negotiations.

The Tsipras government received the necessary cross party support for the measure’s passage. Yet few MPs would disagree with Speaker Konstantoupoulou’s defense of the Constitution from foreign trampling. She illustrates the framework by which the Greece nation understands how the nation has indeed been struck down and humiliated by Germany.

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Financial Sovereignty 

Angela Merkel operates solely as a Bankers Collection Agency. Angela and the Brussels bureaucrats have been confronting Greece not as neutral government agency officials but as street thugs with official sounding titles who are only collecting past dues.

The portrayal of this process of Angela Merkel and the Brussels bureaucrats as somehow representing a so-called European Union Government is carried out by the way the Chancellor and assorted prime ministers dash up to Summits in official black limousines with motorcycle escorts.

A symphony of camera clicks orchestrates the 20 second sound bites given in their hurried dash to the press rope line. The slick press releases on official looking government web sites add to the manufactured aura of self-importance.

Problem is Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has already exposed the European Union to be only an instrument of the German financial empire.

Zoe Konstantoupoulou articulates the consequences of Angela Merkel and her bankers demands. Angela Merkel and her coalition are the voice not so much of everyday Germans. But rather the megaphone for the German financial industry.

Zoe Konstantoupoulou speaks the loss of the nation’s sovereignty through the vehicle of the German denominated euro. Parliament’s vote to continue negotiations is not a declaration of approval. Rather, it is, as the Prime Minister has said, the only option given by Germany to avoid the dire social and economic consequences of bankruptcy that a German pull out of the euro would inflict.

To have a Greek bankruptcy is to trigger the Grexit dagger. Which is the polite way for saying the German denominated euro is withdrawn from Greece.

When Greece joined euro it exchanged not so much the drachma as it gave up sovereignty over the country’s financial back engine. All financial transactions became denominated in the German denominated euro.

The loss of financial sovereignty enabled the euro to attach itself to every government and commercial transaction.

However, when Greece financial sovereignty was transferred to the euro the mechanism of capital formation passed exclusively to the German banks.

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ATM Cherry Picking

German banks do not get involved with the business of capital formation in countries. 

When Euro Denomination is put in place folks on the street just figure the coins look different, cash receipts now have a € sign and they can drive over to the country next door without the hassle of currency exchange.

The way it works is Eurozone member nations lose sovereign control over the currency flowing through the nation’s financial system. It is the European Central Bank that holds title to the sovereignty over each member nation’s financial system. The commercial banks wield control over euro currency movement.

Often described as a flaw in the euro by New York Times op ed type pundits is that the euro comes without a U.S. style Federal Reserve.

It is in fact a deliberate design mechanism that cements the euro to the control of German financial institutions.

Germany spins the notion that euro could very well do without second tier nations like Greece and Portugal and sometimes Ireland and Spain not so much.

Now Germany is set to go about cherry picking the ATMs of the second tier nations via the German Financial Pyramid Scheme using the Greece template.

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Red Carpet Power

Germany likes to point to the success of rehabilitating Ireland’s banks.

All the while neglecting to add that recapitalizing the Banks in Ireland was all about not restructuring Ireland’s economic model and political institutions. It was about giving about 20 bank shareholders their cash after dodgy collusion with the government of the day and the construction industry.

It is only the guys on the red carpets of the commercial financial Institutions who own and manage the electronic back engine operations of a Euro Digital Currency System (EDCS) that appreciate the back engine of the euro. And what the back engine empowers.

The German financial industry both owns and controls the Euro Digital Currency System that oversees the movement of euros through the Eurozone.

It is for this reason that the euro is a German denominated currency.

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Capital Formation

The euro founding myth is that the euro is all about putting the same coin in everybody’s pocket for convenience. In actual fact the euro is the creation of a digital currency system similar to that of a proprietary bank card issued by member banks with a Funds Settlement Association (FSA).

It is true the euro is the physical coin of the realm that circulates in the European pocket. But it is much more than that.

The euro is first and foremost a bank product in the way a debit and credit card are bank products – designed and administered by the banks. The euro as bank product is serviced by the commercial banks proprietary back engine.

The euro operating mechanism is similar to that of a bank product like a debit and credit card. The operating mechanics of the American dollar is not as a commercial bank product but as an instrument of government policy making to both manage the flow of capital though the banking system. And to ensure that capital is distributed equitably throughout the 50 states and territories.

The authoritative power of the Federal Reserve is not the commercial banks. The Federal Reserve’s oversight resides in the legislative and executive branches of the national government.

The euro is designed as a commercial bank product and not as an instrument under the jurisdiction of a ministerial cabinet with proactive overriding oversight of the European Parliament.

As intrinsically a commercial bank product the euro is unable to respond to ordinary day to day capital needs of member states without the open interference of heads of states of the 16 member states.

The only capital formation that the euro is able to form is the interest that is earned on commercial bank ledgers. And this is of significant value – to the commercial banks.

It is the German commercial banks that grow value from interest earned on servicing debt to Greece. Earned interest on the Greece debt portfolio does not transfer to the European Union member states or the European Central Bank.

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Finland’s Experience

Finland taxpayers have an incomplete understanding of how the mechanism of the commercial banks control Euro Monetary Flow (EMS). This is because Germany has structured the Finland financial assistance to Greece through the German commercial banks. It is the German commercial banks that have profited from the EMS transfers between Finland and Greece.

Finland taxpayer anger towards Greece mirrors that throughout the European Union. This is because the financial aid sent to Greece is delivered in digital form on a flash drive made up to look like it was sent by the European Bank. The European Central Bank has already stripped out any banking relationship between Finland and Greece..

Greece finds itself in an anonymous banking relationship with Finland. The European Central Bank strips out a direct relationship between Finland and Greece. It is for this reason there is no chit chat between Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his Finnish counterpart. Greece is in debt to Finland taxpayers – but the European Central Bank has stripped away any banking relationship. This conceit makes the transactions appear as though the faceless ECB has done all the heavy lifting.

When the United States sent West Germany financial assistance to rebuild itself from the ashes of World War II it did not send it in envelopes from the  Bank of America NTSA in San Francisco. The financial assistance was very relational – country to country.

Not commercial banks to country.

The Eurozone is a proprietary Funds Settlement Association (FSA) operated by a Euro Digital Currency System (EDCS).

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Artificial Deadline

The European Union – and by extension the sixteen nation eurozone countries is  – by design – without the built in mechanisms that take capital flows of currency running through the system and place them under a jurisdiction modeled after the United States Federal Reserve System with it’s geographically dispersed member federal banks.

The Federal Reserve in the United States has jurisdictional authority over the nation’s  financial instruments, mechanism for fund transfers and interest rate charged by a federal reserve to commercial banks on interest bearing funds.

Finance Minister Yanis Veroufakis articulated SYRIZA’s electoral mandate in Brussels. However, his discussions about the roots of Greece indebtedness were misplaced – after the polite handshake bankers don’t much chatter beyond feature footy scores.

Yanis Veroufakis and Alexis Tsipras have misunderstood that Angela Merkel came to the negotiations in Brussels in the bankers pockets – not as a diplomat. Not as a politician that may be engaged to form a consensus among the parties.

The Sunday Brussels Summit photo of Alexis Tsipras and his Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos is  telling.

At the crucial moment of negotiations they have allowed themselves to be placed into a tiny cramped white walled room with glaring light. 

Alexis has been summoned not so much to a negotiation.  But to a disciplinary hearing. Much like when a high school principal takes a malefactor to the cupboard for some quick licks before the parents come to the rescue. 

The Prime Minister and his  Finance Minister captured by a photographer like nighttime deer caught in the headlights: Alone and without a phalanx of seasoned attorneys and expert negotiators.

Angela Merkel had just let Wolfgang Schäuble put in place an artificial right now deadline. 

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Schäuble Dilemma

The notorious Schäuble Dilemma thrust upon Alexis Tsiprason Summit Sunday night in Brussels was hurled at Alexis Tsipras in the confined space of Germany’s artificial closing bell.

A Schäuble Dilemma is when an adversary offers a weaker opponent three alternatives: Two deadly alternatives and a third humiliating alternative that offers temporary safety at enormous personal cost. 

Wolfgang Schäuble offered Alexis Tsipras three odious choices: Orderly Withdrawal : Grexit : Onerous Terms.

The exercise of the Schäuble Dilemma at the Brussels Summit was a do over of the classic exercise of diplomacy of Adolf Hitler’s foreign ministry during the Third Reich. Beginning with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939 and the subjugation choices imposed on the Occupied Territories.

Alexis Tsipras chose not to gamble his nation’s bleak future on Schäuble’s German Extortion. This is because Alexis Tsipras thought he was gambling with turning the street corner ATMs back on. 

When in fact – 

A German Chancellor will always fold before crashing the German denominated Euro Digital Currency.

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